
Dead Sea Tours and attractions

טיולים רומנטיים בים המלח

Dead Sea Attractions

Welcome to the Dead Sea!

You’ve arrived at the lowest place on Earth, with the most incredible attractions in the world.

Personal all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) for off-roading adventures, cycling expeditions to the Dead Sea’s hidden gems, hiking tours to the salt cakes, gourmet meals, and a lot of content related to, well, the Dead Sea!

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Travel Routes


Incentive Tour


Family Tours

Dead Sea Cakes

Cakes Tour

A magical journey to unbelievable landscapes. Cakes, arches, stalactites, salt formations, pearls, and sometimes even salt diamonds. All in one VIP guided walking tour
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Bike Tours

Bike Tours

Independent or guided tours to the Northern Dead Sea Gems. Two hours (with stops) to enchanting and hidden landscapes
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Dead Sea

Dead Sea

We're here to assist with planning your Dead Sea team-building day!
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Our Routes

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מסלול ריידר

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